Growing Your Business One Tiny Goal At A Time

Growing Your Business One Tiny Goal At A Time

tiny goals
Today I wanted to talk to you about being overwhelmed. I’m sure you will know that feeling. I know I feel that way often, multiple times a day even. And that’s normal. I mean, a lot of us are working on our online business next to an already filled day. Some are working outside the house in a regular job. Others are dealing with health issues which uses up all their energy. Or we have other commitments that take up a lot of our day (like me homeschooling my kids, trust me, it’s a day job on it’s own).
There are days that I look at my to do list and just want to throw it in the trash and burn it. Days that I want to give up because I will NEVER be able to do this. Those days are the ones we all have to fight from time to time, and yesterday I read an article that I shared in my Facebook group (you are a member there, aren’t you? If not you can find it here:
The article I’m talking about is written by Shauna, a writer who had so many things going on in her life that writing a book seemed like an impossible task. However, once she allowed herself to only do the bare minimum, but do it EVERYDAY, she succeeded in writing and publishing a book. You can read the article here:
She looked at her day and decided what was the bare minimum she could do every day to write and she DID IT!
Once I read that article, I took a look at my to do list and a look at my day and said: Hey, I have 5 minutes here and there that I’m doing nothing, because I’m waiting on whatever (usually while the kids are doing their independent work and I have nothing to check for them, or when I am enjoying a coffee before tackling the next thing in my household chore list). I created a list of small 5 minute jobs that I can do during that time so I can leave my evenings free for the “harder” work or the work that takes longer (writing a blog post, doing research, creating a product, …).
When you look at your to do list and at how you fill your day, I’m sure you will find that you have those small moments too where you can do a small task so you free up time for the other things on your to do list when you have those longer blocks of time. This is what I came up with for my niche blogs. For some of these things I don’t even need my laptop, I can do it from my iPhone, which saves up even MORE time!
Let’s see what I came up with, maybe it will helps you to create your own “shortlist”:
  • schedule social media posts through Buffer (I love Buffer, and if you’re handling only one niche blog, the free account will do perfectly)
  • comment on one site in your niche (I keep track of blogs in my niche through Feedly, so finding an article to comment on isn’t that hard!)
  • create one backlink (this might take some work beforehand to know where you want to create backlinks, or who to contact. Once you have list though, the rest takes 5 minutes per link)
  • write a tweet
  • write a message on FB
  • share a picture on Instagram
The list is endless. And if you can do these smaller things every day, even if you do not get to your larger tasks everyday, you WILL improve your site. You WILL grow your business and you WILL succeed.
Again, read the articles that inspired me to write this to you here:
Or leave a comment with your own story!


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